microEVF Features
* Compact, lightweight electronic viewfinder * High resolution full-color display – greater resolution than the rear LCD on Canon EOS camera bodies * Standard HDMI input connector * Built-in HDMI loop-through for supporting additional monitors * Fully coated optics * Adjustable focusing diopter * Can be used with left or right eye * Oversized soft rubber cinema-style eyecup * Industry-standard 15mm rod pin * Viewfinder infinitely positionable with Redrock support accessories, including "low mode" * Lightweight design requires minimal support - can be mounted from lower rails, top rails, or shoe-mounted rails
* Compatible with any HDSLR or videocamera that provides HDMI out (5D
MKII, 7D, T2i, 1D MKIV, Nikon D3s, Nikon D3100, Nikon D7000, Panasonic
AF100, etc.)
microEVF Advanced Electronic Assist Features*
* additional features to be announced
microEVF Technical Specifications*
* HDMI connection * 1.4m total dots * Backlit LED, very low power requirements * Internal battery lasts 10+ continuous hours of operation * Weight: less than 6 ounces
Pricing and availability
* Estimated $595 for the complete EVF - unlike other solutions with
hidden costs, does not require additional viewfinder loupe. * Availability to be announced
注目はBuilt-in HDMI loop-through for supporting additional monitorsです。 ファインダーを見ながら別なモニターにスルーアウトできる機能。これはHDMIが排他仕様のNEX-VG10やEOSにはもってこいというか、必須の機能です。そして液晶は1.4m total dotsですから余裕でフォーカスが合わせられそうです。さらに価格は$595というとても信じられないほどの価格です。 発売がいつ頃なのかは判りませんが、とりあえずメール&アカウント登録を済ませました。 redrockmicro社のmicroEVFサイトはこちらになります。 http://store.redrockmicro.com/EVF
カメラがEOSなのにレンズに笹邊も愛用しているニッコールの85mmF1.4が使われていたのが面白かったです。 | | |